

■優秀論文賞 Best Paper Award of ADCS 2017

黃衍明 Huang Yen-Ming
國立雲林科技大學 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
The Variation and Deformation of Unit-type Tulous along the Borderline between Fujian and Guangdong Provinces in China

莊玟琦 Chuang, Wen-Chi 邱建鑫 Chiu, Chien-Hsin
東方設計大學 TungFang Design University
The Establishment of Standard Operating Procedures Based on Healthy Aspect for Interior Renovation Laborers

高宜淓Kao Yi-Fang *  葉茉俐Yeh Mo-Li * 連俊名Lien Chun-Ming **
*佛光大學 Fo Guang University
**國立台北商業大學 National Tipei University of Business
客家聚落青年入鄉與文化創新 ― 以宜蘭縣三星鄉、大同鄉、南澳鄉為例
The Youth in Countryside and Cultural Innovation of Hakka Traditional Industries ― Using Sanshing Township and Datong Township and Nanau Township as Examples

洪瑀蓁 Hong, Yu-Jhen  黃世輝 Hwang, Shyh-Huei
國立雲林科技大學 National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
The Satoumi Culture of Hua-Zhai, Wang-an Township, Penghu County, Taiwan ― The Subsistence of Fishing and Farming Lifestyle In Hua-Zhai

黃淑真 shu-chen Huang
國立台灣工藝研究發展中心 National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute
From the Earth, a Sustainable Future ― The Development of Natural Dyes in Taiwan (1994 to the present)

常田純孝 Tsuneda Yoshitaka
うらやす市民大学 The Civic College of URAYASU
Speciality of Urayasu―historical survey of enhancing the dietary culture

ばんばまさえ Masae Bamba
神戸芸術工科大学 Kobe Design University
Efforts to Revive Multicolored Kyokechi Dyeing in the Style of Shosoin Kyokechi

松内紀之 Matsuuchi Noriyuki
倉敷市立短期大学 Kurashiki City College
The Structure of Hakata Gion Yamakasa Floats in the Early Edo Period as seen in Folding Screens Depicting Processions of Hakata Gion Yamakasa

禹在勇 Woo Jae–yong 中村英三 Nakamura Eizo 遠藤忠 EndoTadashi
長野大学 Nagano University
Fostering ‘Hometown Love’ in Design Education (Part2) ―Centering on Wada junior high

趙麗華 Zhao Lihua
筑波大学大学院 Graduate School of Tsukuba University
The utilization of traditional culture and folk entertainment in Yanbian Korea Autonomous Prefecture, China―Via the field investigation of the folk villages

张君 Zhang Jun
海南师范大学美术学院 college of fine arts, Hainan normal university
清华大学美术学院 college of fine arts, Tsinghua University
The Inheritance of Li Handicraft from the Perspective of the Techniques of the Body

傅小芳 Fu xiaofang
海南师范大学美术学院 college of fine arts, Hainan normal university
Development and Design of Cultural and Creative Products in Henan

王巍 Wang Wei
湖南师范大学 Hunan Normal University
Productive Protection Overstocks Resources Regeneration Design of the Intangible Cultural Heritage— A Case Study of Tujia Brocade in Longshan Area Hunan Province China

过伟敏 Guo Weimin , 刘春羽 Liu Chunyu , 肖劼 Xiao Jie
中国江南大学设计学院 China Design School of Jiangnan University
Commercial Building Elevation in Suzhou and Wuxi during the Republic of China

黄河 HUANG He* 胡晔新 HU Yexin** 张福昌 ZHANG Fuchang*
*中国江南大学商学院 Business School of Jiangnan University
**无锡市文化管理中心锡绣工作室 Wuxi embroidery workshop of CMC
The Inheritance and Development of Traditional Handicrafts —Take Wuxi embroidery as an Example

耿雅颖 Geng Yaying
南京理工大学 Nanjing University of Science and Technology
The Ecological Landscape Construction based on Regional Features—Taking the concept planning of Nanjing guanghua park as an example

杨子倩 YangZiqian  吴智慧 Wu Zhihui
南京林业大学 Nanjing Forestry University
Decoration Technique of Scholar’s Wooden Objects in Ming and Qing Dynasties

白丽燕 Bai Liyan* **   梅洪元 MeiHongyuan*   刘花 LiuHua**
*哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院 Harbin Institute of Technology
**内蒙古工业大学建筑学院 Mongolia Institute of Technology
The Present Situation of the Yurt In the Summer Camp of the herdsmen in Tongliao City, Inner

魏阳 Wei Yang 李伟 Li Wei
四川大学 Sichuan University
The Rural Activation Under the Rotation of Water Mill―A Regional Design of “Tea Village Slow Life”

况雯雯 KuangWenwen  桂元龙 GuiYuanlong
广东轻工职业技术学院 Guangdong Industry Polytechnic
Regional Characteristic Product Design Method based on Traditional Cultural Heritag

孟春荣 MengChunRong  张姗姗 ZhangShanshan
哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院 The School of Architecture of HIT
The Cultural Exploration on the Origin of Mongolian Traditional Decorative Art


■優秀組織賞 Excellent organization Award of ADCS 2017

南京理工大学 Nanjing University of Science and Technology
江南大学 Jiangnan University
南京林业大学 Nanjing Forestry University
千葉大学 Chiba University
長野大学 Nagano University
国立雲林科技大学National Yunlin University of Science and Technology


■特別貢献表彰 Special Contribution Award of ADCS 2017

高橋和克 Takahashi Kazuyoshi
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to you for being actively contribute to this society with the constructing and managing ADCS Homepage. We hereby present this certificate in recognition of your dedication and commitment.


■感謝状 appreciation

沖縄県立芸術大学 Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts
比嘉明子 Higa Akiko
禹 在勇 WooJae-yong
鈴木直人 Naoto Suzuki
糸数 政次 Seiji Itokazu
